What I found On The Internet today.

I found this article from MentalhealthToday while I was actually reading a complete different article and clicked on another link. More than thirty years or more ago there was a lot of controversies artificial sweeteners, and the possible link to cancer. Many of us didn’t seem to bothered as we were busy trying to avoidContinue reading “What I found On The Internet today.”

What I Found On The Internet Today

Published by MedicalNewsToday. There seems to be a never-ending stream of healthy eating articles on the Internet today. This one I found while just browsing for something completely different. Growing up with my parents it was a kind of rule to eat 3 square meals a day, with the odd snack here or there butContinue reading “What I Found On The Internet Today”

10 Steps To Effective Listening

Originally posted on Otrazhenie:
From Listening – an important aspect of effective communication In today’s high-tech, high-speed, high-stress world, communication is more important then ever, yet we seem to devote less and less time to really listening to one another. Genuine listening has become a rare gift—the gift of time. It helps build relationships, solve…

Challenge Accepted! For The Sake Of The Street Cats.

Challenge Accepted!!! ​I have been searching for the ideal challenge for me to tackle. I did not want it to be something as simple as my tandem skydive. Okay for some jumping or rolling out of a plane when it is in the sky may not be as simple as that you need to haveContinue reading “Challenge Accepted! For The Sake Of The Street Cats.”

And They Say That Breathing Is The Easiest Thing In The World.

There is nothing more essential to our health and wellbeing than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat 25,000 times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences. ~ James Nestor, journalist and author of ‘breath’~ Breath is the noun and breathe is the verb inContinue reading “And They Say That Breathing Is The Easiest Thing In The World.”

Dealing With Stress And Anxiety.

As I deal with a lot of strength and anxiety, due to my ADHA, I find myself either acting impulsively, which can come out in a number of ways and not only affect me, but also loved ones or people around me at that moment. It may also prompt me to make actions or transactionsContinue reading “Dealing With Stress And Anxiety.”

And So Begins A New Journey For Athina A.K.A Mouse. Morocco Here We Come!

I did not sleep well last night, I was waiting for the results of my PCR test…..It came in the mail at 2am. I printed it off and felt wide awake, so a made a latte and ate a tub of kwark. I did drop off at some point but still go up early. AfterContinue reading “And So Begins A New Journey For Athina A.K.A Mouse. Morocco Here We Come!”

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